Sitara Cacao

The struggle is real and I want to make chocolate again. 

And, I have been making chocolate again, since I moved to Oakland and found a new home. I got married last September which accounts for the bulk of the hiatus, but also 2016 was the year of the coffee bean, in my book. I left my post as barista and become a sales associate working with the top specialty roaster brands in the Bay Area, which brought a whole new perspective to my understanding of the industry and the supply chain. It's fascinating and I love it, but I miss being elbows deep in chocolate. I want both worlds in my life at all times, because I see both industries in tandem.

 This is still a slow process for me. For now, my plans are to build a store on this blog for my own  (small-batch) chocolate as well as re-sell some of my favorite makers. I have been making chocolate sparingly and working on prototype equipment for the bulk of 2016, and now it's time to hit the market. I will also feature coffee and chocolate pairings and offer a quarterly pairing. 

As I said this is slow, but I would like to be more transparent about my process. Branding is in the works. Workshops and learning experiences are always on the table. Bars will hopefully be ready March 15, 2017. All collaborations are still welcome, and for now I continue to tinker at building my very own winnower (diagram courtesy of @filmcuisine).

Homemade Winnower



Anjuli Dharna